Friday, October 28, 2011

Video Media Carries Increasing Credibility. #OWS #Communication #Marketing #Politics

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Video media is the next best thing to either a webcam conversation or an in-person discussion. While video media doesn't necessarily permit interaction between the viewer and the speaker, it gives a message, whatever that message might be, a voice, a face, body language and a personality. It humanizes the transmission (albeit one-sided) and exponentializes its influence potential by 'touching' on so many different senses and on so many different levels.

How often have you had the experience of being surprised upon meeting someone in person for the very first time after having only written to him or her, or after having merely had phone conversations?  Sometimes it can be pleasantly surprising -- sometimes (as in the case of a mailorder bride from Turdistan [Turdistan is a Lingovation]), it can prove to be a tribute to the power of Photoshop.

A message, in order to be truly effective, needs a three-dimensional, Human messenger. And the sooner that messenger becomes the spokesperson driving the message into the media, the more potent and viral that message will be. The persona is as significant as the message in so many cases.

I received this message (and the accompanying video) from a TruthOut newsletter. While I don't hold out a great deal of hope for the OWS movement in terms of effecting policy change, I believe it represents a virally-growing threat (pereceived) to the status quo of inequity and unconscionable conduct on the part of a privileged few that will bring about the pressured ouster of some entrenched gluttons, and bring out some "new blood" in government which will help to bring about some basic change.

Occupy Wall Street is Fox News' worst nightmare, so they're doing everything they can to downplay this movement and distort its message. It's up to people like us to tell the real story. This amazingly powerful video—featuring Elizabeth Warren, no less—does exactly that. It's a must-see for everyone in America who's got any questions about what #OWS is really all about. Check it out, and share it with your friends on Facebook today.

It's already been viewed over 180,000 times. But that won't be enough with a media entity like Fox intent on hushing #OWS up, so please watch this video and then share it with all of your friends and family.

Douglas E. Castle 

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