Monday, October 24, 2011

The Messaging Power Of Poetry

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Douglas E Castle wrote:

"Poetry is the soul's tool to induce, in the reader, a transcendent experience. It has the means to engage all of the senses and to to envelop them in a pervasive and palpable mood. It is the ultimate alchemy of the written language, wherein the impressions created by the finished work, in total, far exceed the weight of the sum of the words taken individually. Perhaps poetry represents the most efficient means of written communication; it opens a heretofore invisible door and beckons the reader to enter a sacred, private dimension."

Never underestimate the power of well-crafted poetry to convey vivid messages and profound swings of mood. Throughout history, poems have inspired great acts and almost super-human deeds, just as they have driven many a lonely soul to take action to either satisfy its longing for communion with a companion, or to act, in resolute despair, to end its suffering.

Every poem is a like a painting, except that its point of entry to the inner person is through a different channel. Take some time to read some poetry. Take some time, if you're inclined to write some - it can teach you a great deal about yourself that you have long suppressed or hidden from your own conscious mind. It is profoundly cathartic, and pairs a person's inherent creativity with a message or story which needs to be given a voice.

Douglas E Castle []

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