Monday, September 05, 2011

Humor: Social Lubricant And Deal-Maker

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I have a sense of humor. It has literally saved my life (but not my sanity) on occasion.

You see, a genuine smile tends to be disarming and relaxes those around you -- it impulsively makes them more accepting of you, and more receptive to what you are about to say. A sense of humor, especially a slightly self-deprecating one, is thoroughly disarming, especially in a tense communication or negotiation of any sort. It breaks stalemates, banishes negative energies, and allows almost any subject to be re-framed. People crave comedic relief.

While you must be sensitive to the nature of your audience, the circumstances, and some cultural or other occasionally thorny issues, a bit of humor can transform an awkward moment into an interpersonal bonding opportunity.

One rule, generally speaking (and I violate this one too much of the time) -- don't make any other person, or that person's lifestyle, beliefs, or orientation, the subject of a joke. That is a high-risk proposition. The only safe subject is truly yourself. Never, ever take a chance of inadvertently insulting someone else.

Humor, applied judiciously, is a stress-reducer, a re-energizer, a creativity booster and an accelerant to achievement. It brings people closer together, opens a secondary "shadow dialogue" and a richer personal understanding and flexibility between us; and it gives us a chance at "refreshing" our signal. 

Douglas E Castle

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