Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Conversation Can Resolve Perceived Differences - Productive Conversations Bring Out What We Share In Common.

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Productive Conversations, Resolving Disputes And Finding Things In Common

We all have differences, both real and perceived. Productive communication makes it possible for us to eliminate the perceived differences, work on resolving (compromising or negotiating) the real differences, and to find out what we have in common. Very often, the things that unite us far outweigh the things that divide us. But we'll never learn if we don't have a serious and sincere conversation. An example follows:

Collaboration and Competition are not mutually exclusive. Neither are Sustainability and Capitalism.

Sustainability creates employment opportunities, spawns innovation, and is based upon a sound economic principle of efficiency; just as the profitability of a capitalistic institution, i.e., a business, is largely dependent upon the the leveraging of efficiencies.

The trick is to get both sides, the Sustainability/ Environmentalist contingent, and the Capitalist/ Entrepreneurial contingent, to engage in open-minded dialogue to the benefit of both. The steps are sensible enough:

1) Get the attention of thought-leaders on both sides;

2) Get them seated at the same table to explore their common objectives -- the things that bind them are vastly greater and of more value than the differences (largely perceived, and born of overzealousness, rivalry and a general politicized bigotry);

3) Get them to understand that they can work together synergistically, to the benefit of both, and to the detriment of neither.

To quote a line from a movie, "What we have here is a failure to communicate."

The initial task of getting the parties to sit down together peaceably will require the skills of a diplomat, a moderator and a negotiator/ dealmaker. But this is a task that needs to be performed and rapidly. This failure to communicate and to collaborate costs every citizen of the world with every day that passes, both in terms of a struggling global economy, and an environment that is becoming increasingly toxic. -DC

Tags, Terms, Labels, Keywords And Categories For This Article: sustainability, Eric Lowitt, capitalism, entrepreneurship, leadership, communications, Environmentalism, TNNWC, Douglas E. Castle, productive conversation, diplomacy, resolving differences, dispute resolution, bigotry, preconceived notions, compromise, negotiation, sending signals, exploration through conversation, forming alliances, leadership, risk-taking,learning, Braintenance, brainstorming, finding common ground, crisis management, ecosystems, increasing efficiency, creating opportunity, TNNWC International Connections Service (ICS), TNNWC International Connection Services (ICS), Futurism, intelligence, Technullity, Lingovation, growing businesses, new industries. listening skills, being clear in communications, politics versus productivity , hypnotism, TNNWC Management Consulting Services,

NOTICE: This article is Copyright © 2011 by author Douglas E Castle with all rights reserved. It may be republished without permission provided that it is published in full, with all hyperlinks and exhibits left intact, and with full attribution given the author. This article does not contain or constitute medical, health, psychological, legal, regulatory, investment, securities, financial, tax, or any other form of professional advice -- the reader acknowledges and accepts this disclaimer. Further, the reader indemnifies and holds harmless both the author and all publications in which this article appears of any damages, claims, loss, responsibility or liability emerging from the reader’s utilization of any information contained herein.

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Tags, Labels, Keywords, Categories And Terms For This Site: communications, messaging, speeches, body language, non-verbal communication, phrasing, branding, slogans, conversation, rhyme, rhythm, cadence, tone of voice, symbols, gestures, social media, writing, management, memorability, making an impression, conveying meaning, business meetings, social meetings, leadership, discussions, brainstorming, blogs by Douglas Castle, VAKOG, multisensory cues, subliminal messaging, NLP, hypnosis, listening, scripting, buzzing, buzzology, announcing, campaigning, signal-to-noise ratio, differentiation, networking platforms, RadioDAZZ™, Mad Marketing Tactics™, TNNWC Buzzworks™, BuzzBaristas™, subconscious, tone of command, teamwork, group dynamics, sales, persuasion, seduction, influence, expression, visualization, lying, eye contact, handshakes, milkshakes, themes, motifs, symbology, context, tipping points, cults, groupthink, mob mentality, logos, logotypes, designs, colors, flags, blogging, bloggery, running meetings, personality typing, vocabulary, Braintenance™, repetition, the learning process, visceral learning, intuition, impulse, instinct, responsiveness, autoresponders, fear, comfort, argument, debate, translation, meaningful gestures, humor, poetry, publishing, anchoring, imaging, trance induction, Erickson, kinesthetics, kinesiology, Lingovations™, timing, focus, sixth sense, appeasement, saving face, saying “no”, mirroring, mannerisms, bigotry, ingrained bias, the fear factor, call to action, coordinating and moderating discussions, creative thinking, brainstorming, comparisons, graphics, echoing, brainwaves, entrainment, mind-body connection, relating, empathy, feinting, the art of insinuation, implications, statistical support, wordcount, telegraphing actions, Internal Energy Plus™, reasoning, appealing to emotions, rationalization, email, texting, brevity, verbal karate, verbal ju jitsu, inspiring words, powerful quotations, rituals, rites, EMDR, REM, VAKOG, engrams, encryption, influencers, convincers, trance state, Time Line Therapy, alpha male, Type A personality, pheromones, exohormones, tactile cues, anchoring, pattern recognition, AI, artificial intelligence, post-hypnotic suggestion, stress, depression, anxiety, somnambulism, schizophrenia, irrational behavior, defensive behavior, intimidation, frustration, DSM IV, Braintenance Blog, Taking Command Blog, Life Extension And Cognitive Enhancement Blog, entrainment, visceral learning, impulse, synapse, neurotransmitters, PTSD, sociopathy, empathy, psionics, telepathy, telekinesis, language, etymology, methods of learning, Suzuki Method,analogy, allusion, illusion, hallucination...

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