Tuesday, April 13, 2010

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Prevention and Treatment of High Blood Pressure - Various Conventional and Alternative Approaches

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Prevention and Treatment of High Blood Pressure - Various Conventional and Alternative Approaches.

Note: This article is does not offer medical, health or fitness advice, and is provided for acadmentic and interest purposes only. All information is made availab elt o you for you consideration in conjunction with the advice of your healthcare professional. This article was written by Douglas Castle  (Featured Columnist for the National Networker Weekly Newsletter) and the author of The Global Futurist and a host of other publications, media and blogs.

High blood pressure (hypertension) is  a condition which can rapidly develop and actually cause death with a minimum of telltale symptoms. Hypertension is becoming increasingly common, incresingly severe, and is invariably diagnosed and treated. It can be caused by emotional stress, physical stess, poor diet, a lack of exercise, overweight and genetic factors. Ahough it might not preventable, it can be kept under control.

According to the American Heart Association nearly 1/3 of the adults (people over 18) have high blood pressure but nearly 1/3 of those don't know they are sick. This is because high blood pressure is a silent killer, with little to no symptoms.

Current guidelines for blood pressure are: normal is below 120/80, prehypertension is between 120/80 and 139/89 and hypertension is 140/80 or greater. A further distinction is made for those who have blood pressure greater than 160/100 as stage 2 hypertension.
Although doctors can't identify a definitive cause in 95% of people diagnosed with hypertension, they do know there are some lifestyle choices that can be modified and which will cause a decrease in the measurements. These lifestyle modifications are the first in a line of alternative treatments for hypertension. The first lifestyle choice is weight. The greater the body mass the more pressure exerted on the arterial walls and more oxygen that is required to feed the tissues of the body. By reducing your weight to normal limits you'll be able to effect a significant change in your blood pressure.

Some of the basics follow:
1. minimize your salt (and sodium) intake;
2. drink plendy of water and dilute fruit juices;
3. reduce caffeine intake;
4. avoid excessive use of decongenstant or stimulant formulas;
5. maintain a healthy, light bodyweight;
6. meditate and de-stress as often as possible;
7. get constant cardio-vascular exercise;
8. Take time to breathe slowly, deeply and deliberately;
9  Use positive mental visualization to the greatest extent possible;
10.See your health care provider frequently in order to monitor your pressure - You may also be helped with prescription drugs

Some Alternative Therapies and Substances which may indeed be worth your investigation:
1. Take significant effective doses of L-Arginine, a natural amino acid which helps to increase the amount of Nitric Oxide in the Bloodstream;
2. Take reasonable does of Foic Acid along with vitamin B12 (this combination reduces blood homosysteine as well);
3. Take reasonable amounts of Hawthorne supplements;
4. Taking garlic in a small medicinal dose is thought to be helpful in aiding arterial and veinous health;
5. Taking small amounts of flush-free Niacin is a cholesterol clearing agent, and a de facto widener of the arteries as plaque is kept from forming;
6. Taking small amounts of Coenzyme Q10 might also have a favorable effect on vessel wall health, plasticity and longevity.

Here are some Hypertension Resources for Your Use:

Heart Health Organizations

American College of Cardiology
Heart House
9111 Old Georgetown Road
Bethesda, MD 20814-1699
1-800-253-4636, ext. 694 or (301) 897-5400
Fax: (301) 897-9745

American Heart Association
National Center
7272 Greenville Avenue
Dallas, TX 75231

Food and Drug Administration
Department of Health and Human Services
5600 Fishers Lane, (HFI-40)
Rockville, MD 20857

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Health Information Center
P.O. Box 30105
Bethesda, MD 20824-0105
Phone: (301) 592-8573
Fax: (301) 592-8563

The Cleveland Clinic Heart Center
9500 Euclid Avenue, F25
Cleveland, Ohio 44195
Appointments (216) 444-6697 or 1-800-223-2273 ext. 46697

Heart Health Websites

Cardiology Channel
Cut to the Heart
Cardiology Online
The Heart Preview Gallery
Med Help Heart Forum
PediHeart Organization

In closing, know that hypertension is truly a killer an that it must be dignosed, rated, with intervention rapidly undertaken. Remember: The symptoms can be silent!


Douglas Castle


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Thank you. From all of us, and from every man, woman and child who needs these resources.

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