Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Note About Leadership - Douglas Castle

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Dear Readers:

I would be willing to bet you that none of these unhappy-looking chaps has every heard of a GICBC (just Google it as Global Interworked Cooperative Business Community).

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The following write-up relates simply to Leadership - what it is; what it is not; what is tolerable; and what is not.

Leadership is not about politics, grudges and personal agendas - Leadership is about serious, focused responsibility.

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Now that you've finished, please either click on  or . Every visit that you make to these pages (which costs you nothing!) helps us to pay for LINKS 4 LIFE, our public health service, and for us to expand the wonderful international team of collaborators who are working under the TNNWC umbrella to rebuild a better civilization....while there is still time.

Visit us! You can play an important role without spending a single cent.

Thank you.  --DC

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