Sunday, March 14, 2010

Yossi Feigenson on Real Talk Radio, Tomorrow!

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YOSSI FEIGENSON on Real Talk Radio, Tomorrow! 

Catch Him on Monday, March 15th, at 11:30 am, (Eastern Time).

Tune In either via web at or on HD radio: FM dial, 97.9 fm HD2.

Dear Friends and Worthy Adversaries:

On Monday, March 15, 2010, at 11:30 am, Yossi Feigenson will appear as a guest on the daily radio show, "Real Talk." 

Yossi Feigenson is well-known for his intensity, candor and incredible wit. Douglas Castle, Adam J. Kovitz and the rest of the Team at The National Networker Companies find Feigenson to be offensive, controversial, occasionally irritating.......and usually right on target.

Yossi is Managing Partner at ORB Real Estate Professionals, a commercial real estate company in Manhattan. 

Yossi is also a Featured Columnist for The National Networker Weekly Newsletter at , where he writes extensively on topics relating to real estate and to business in general. He is widely considered a thought leader on the key issues of the economy and an astute observer of the human condition and how it relates to the business world.

His website is You can email Yossi directly (he treasures every letter in his inbox!), at

Tune in to what is certain to be an engaging, hard hitting, stimulating and informative discussion about the current economic situation. Be warned: He's quite opinionated.  

The show is hosted by Berel Lerman and Mr. H. Diggy and airs daily from 10:30 AM - 1 PM, Eastern Time.

And now for the free endorsement:

Be sure to tune into "Real Talk" between 10:30am-12:30pm, Monday-Thursday on our new FM dial, 97.9fm HD2Call in to the show at 877-623-0740 or send in your thoughts live via on-air email to

And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, concludes my free endorsement, with no further requirements on my part.

I highly recommend listening to Yossi. And I am (as you know) neither fair nor unbiased. I play favorites. I find Yossi refreshingly provocative. He is one of Brooklyn's (the cradle of civilization's) greatest minds. He'll even tell you so. Let me know what you think. I assure'll know what he thinks.


Douglas Castle

p.s. This kid might have a future. Truly.

Note: The above photo of a fan in rapture (unretouched) was taken by an amateur photographer at one of Yossi's recent seminar presentations. 


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