Monday, March 22, 2010

Update Bulletin - New Developments - The National Networker Companies - 03.21.2010

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Update Bulletin - New Developments - The National Networker Companies - 03.21.2010

----The National Newspicker Page is undergoing an upgrade.

The National Newspicker Page, which is located at is the world's most efficient way to get al of the news, info and intel that you need in just 20 minutes per day in order to sound like the smartest person in the room.

Grab this gadget at if you don't already have it, or simply make the page a favorite, for instant reference. We are switching servers, increasing content and re-formatting access -- this is great news! Sadly, until this process is finished on or about April 15th, some of the links to sources might be sporatically disconnected. Stay with us. It will be worth your while.

----Left, Right and Center is undergoing an upgrade.

The latest addition to our info-sourcing, Left, Right and Center, is located at is also undergoing the same process. This device, which accesses the the most extremist political news and views from right to left, will be available as a free-standing widget (soon!), and will also be added as an additional tab to the National Newspicker. This process should be completed on or about April 15th. We would suggest that you get this widget in addition to The National Newspicker Widget.

You'll get every bit of edgy news from the far right, the Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Independents, militias, survivalists, far-left Liberals, Constitutionalists, Progressives, Internationalists, Cultists....Limbaugh to Franken...Maher to Palin...Centrists to Anarchists -- this stuff is absolutely fascinating, and is the ideal compliment to everything that you read in the mainstream media. We cover Mother Jones as well as the Spectator. You must get this widget the instant that it becomes available. It doesn't matter what YOUR politics are...find out about what everyone is thinking!

----Rick Itzkowich (Co-Founder of QuoteActions) is going to be interviewed by Dr. Ivan Misner, the founder and CEO of BNI (the world's largest networking organization) and the man whom many consider the Father of The Networking Movement in a podcast .

You can access this amazing podcast (Episode 146) in several ways. 1. Subscribe (free) by clicking on Rick's Extraordinary Living Link at
Click here to subscribe to PL&L's Xtraordinary Living Blog and Podcast.  2. Click here to listen to The Official BNI Podcast Episode 146. The The topic is Visibility Through Touchpoints.

By The Way: Did you realize that on average, a prospective client has to be "touched' (communicated with) between 5 and 12 times before he or she will enter into a business relationship with you? Rick has a simple , automated way in which to do this. You should learn more.

----We have two fabulous buttons at the bottom of every Featured TNNWC Columnist's article.

One pops open to a screen which allows you to read other readers' comments, and to leave your own [the more comments you leave on the greatest number of articles by the greatest number of authors, the better your personal branding and SEO - Fact!]. The other gives you a means of forwarding or sharing, either by email or by posting to any one (or all) of your social media. Here's what they look like:

Forward/Share This Article With Colleagues And Social Media:

Use these buttons or, our Management Team will take them away!

----TNNWC Client, Affiliate and Supporter, Bonnie Ross-Parker, published author and creator of The Joy Of Connecting ("JOC") recently received an award (one of many), and some wonderful press coverage.


Bonnie has created, in JOC, a proprietary system for women in business to network person-to-person in a completely unthreatening inviting atmosphere that produces more actual ACTIVE BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS than any other networking method. The JOC System creates engagement, whereas so many other approaches to networking merely produce encounters.

If you are female (you must be sure!), you should consider becoming a JOC licensee. It is the most powerful in-home, real-touch relationship and network-building tool ever conceived by the mind of! Here's a re-post of the News Release honoring Bonnie:


The Joy of Connecting LLC Receives 2009 Best of Business Award

Small Business Commerce Association’s Award Honors the Achievement

SAN FRANCISCO, March 15, 2010, The Joy of Connecting LLC has been selected for the 2009 Best of Business Award in the Business services at non-commercial site category by the Small Business Commerce Association (SBCA).

The Small Business Commerce Association (SBCA) is pleased to announce that The Joy of Connecting LLC has been selected for the 2009 Best of Business Award in the Business services at non-commercial site category.

The SBCA 2009 Award Program recognizes the top 5% of small businesses throughout the country. Using statistical research and consumer feedback, the SBCA identifies companies that we believe have demonstrated what makes small businesses a vital part of the American economy. The selection committee chooses the award winners from nominees based off statistical research and also information taken from monthly surveys administered by the SBCA, a review of consumer rankings, and other consumer reports. Award winners are a valuable asset to their community and exemplify what makes small businesses great.
About Small Business Commerce Association (SBCA).

Small Business Commerce Association (SBCA) is a San Francisco-based organization. The SBCA is a private sector entity that aims to provide tactical guidance with many day to day issues that small business owners face. In addition to our main goal of providing a central repository of small business operational advice; we use consumer feedback to identify companies that exemplify what makes small business a vital part of the American economy.

SOURCE: Small Business Commerce Association

Small Business Commerce Association


Congratulations, Bonnie Ross-Parker! For Information about the System, and about becoming a JOC Licensee, visit . After you've done that, you'll probably want to speak with one of JOC's more than 70 Licensees across 19 states. And The Latina Joy Of Connecting is about to make its debut, starting in Florida.

----Have you reviewed any of the blogs authored or administered by TNNWC Vice-Chairman Douglas Castle?

Every blog in this brilliant constellation, and every social media link is under the TNNWC Umbrella (which is not to be confused with the Traveller's Insurance Company Umbrella, which cannot be folded or put into your attache case):

The National Networker Companies - Networking is only the beginning...
Braintenance - Stay razor sharp.
The Internationalist Page - A world without barriers.
The Global Futurist - Revealing trends.
Taking Command! - Mastering your fate.
LINKS 4 LIFE - Help in any emergency.
Grab the National Newspicker Page Gadget - All the news, trends and intel you 20 minutes per day.

With all of the best yet to come,

Adam J. Kovitz and Douglas Castle

The National Networker Companies
Join our GICBC and receive our free news, info, intelligence and publications at . You will absolutely want access to our suite of services, too. Join us.

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*Published by THE NATIONAL NETWORKER Newsletter. All rights reserved. Join our GICBC and receive Your TNNW Newsletter and THE BLUE MONDAY REPORT! - Click HERE.
The National Networker Companies

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