Monday, March 29, 2010

Douglas Castle's Five Elements of Attainment

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“The attainment of any objective requires both active and subconscious participation on your part. ‘Manifestation’ is all too often just wishful thinking. Try simply manifesting a Rolls Royce or the Perfect Lover…haven’t you ever wondered why this doesn’t work?”
– Douglas Castle


PREAMBLE: I believe that there are five elements to attainment. If any one of these five elements is not incorporated in the process, the likelihood of failure increases. For your reference (and to ratchet up my search engine rankings), I’ll call these Douglas Castle’s Five Elements of Attainment.

I have arrived at them by “reverse engineering” successes and failures…this approach is somewhat easier than trial and error in circumstances where enough cause and effect data are available. We start by observing a success (the effect), and backtrack to the moment of its inception as a mere idea (the cause). This type of analysis requires some knowledge of dot-connecting (reasoning) and correlation (the strength of a predictive relationship of one variable to another)

Before we discuss these Five Elements, there is a rather old but nonetheless revolutionary book which you can download for free. This quick, easy-to-read guidebook will provide you with useful insight into several of the Elements which I will be bringing to your attention now…almost a century after this mini-classic was published. Somewhere through the development and evolution of the “Manifestation Movement” it would appear that someone chose to ignore this book and in doing so, started promoting a simplified, watered-down approach (everyone loves a panacea!) which is very popular but which is rather ineffective.

This pop-psych approach to manifestation can be summed up in the unfortunate title of a book by Dr. Wayne Dyer – “You’ll See It When You Believe It.” Dr. Dyer’s first book, “Your Erroneous Zones,” was a literal life-saver for me; it was so filled with useful revelations that it completely changed the way that I looked at myself and my circumstances: It was empowering. But the commonly taught practice of materializing something simply by “thinking it into being” generally doesn’t work. Admittedly, the simplicity of this visualization approach is very appealing, but it falls far short of being effective. 

A Free Guidebook to the Attainment of Your Desires

A free download of Genevieve Behrend’s 1921 classic self-help work, titled, “Your Invisible Power,” has been made available by EVOLUTION E-ZINE (  The work concerns manifesting those things that you truly desire, but it is somewhat different (and better) than the typical Law of Attraction and “Instant Manifestation” books in that it focuses on the 1) the elimination of fear, and 2) the genuineness/ integrity of your desire as the two key elements required to re-program your conscious and subconscious mind modalities for success, instead of the customary “visualize your success in all of its rich, sensorial detail,” which is certainly necessary, but is not sufficient. I believe that this may indeed be a very worthwhile download.

We’ll get back to the download in a moment.

Douglas Castle’s Five Elements of Attainment

I have long held that the “manifestation” or “materialization” (actually, my preferred terms are “attainment” and “achievement”) of any objective requires each and all of the following elements:

1. Integrity of Desire – Your objective must not be a means to an end or a short-term, reactive wish. It must be a statement of your soul’s most honest longing, and must be stated in a positive manner; otherwise, it will be unacceptable to your subconscious.

2. Visualize your Attainment of the Success in all of its Rich, Sensorial Detail -- Meditate (Focus) on it for several minutes several times throughout your day. Think ahead to how you will (not “would” – but “will”) feel at and after the moment of victory.

3. Eliminate Fear – If what you strive for is a genuinely positive thing, you have no reason to be afraid of either failure or of success. At the risk of “waxing Quixotic,” your quest must be something which you believe is both a) crucially important, and b) something to which you are rightfully [or righteously] entitled.

4. Create a Plan – Actually plot your course. Draw a roadmap in your mind.

5. Proceed in Increments – Take each necessary step along the plan that you have created. You may make periodic adjustments. You should look back and monitor progress. You must reward yourself for each portion of the journey which you have completed. Positive reinforcement is underrated and underutilized.


The reason that these Five Elements work is that they truly engage both your conscious and subconscious mind. The secret is that your subconscious must be consciously programmed – if anyone tells you anything else, it’s simply either untrue, or not the whole story. The process of attainment may seem magical, but it is actually scientific and methodical.

There. You’ve got it. Now, back to the free download of Genevieve Behrend’s book…


The text which follows was excerpted from an Evolution E-Zine Newsletter:

Your Invisible Power: Free Download of this 1921 Classic by Genevieve Behrend

THESE pages have been written for the purpose of furnishing you a key to the attainment of your desires, and to explain that Fear should be entirely banished from your consciousness in order for you to obtain possession of the things you want.

This presupposes, of course, that your desire for possession is based upon your aspiration for greater happiness. For example, you feel that the possession of more money, lands, or friends will make you happier, and your desire for possession of these things arises from a conviction that their possession will bring you freedom and contentment.

In your effort to possess, you will discover that the thing you most need is to consistently “Be” your best self.

One morning after class a man came to me and asked if I…” [cliff-hanger…]

To download and read the rest of this classic, click on either of the following links:

I sincerely hope that you enjoy this easy-to-read but substantial work. While reading it, please bear in mind, for the sake of your success [and for the gratification of my ego] Douglas Castle’s Five Elements of Attainment.


Douglas Castle

Notice: This article Copyright © 2010 by Douglas Castle, the author, with all rights reserved. This article may not be transmitted, reproduced or otherwise disseminated in either whole or part without the prior written permission of the author. Notwithstanding, a free .pdf version of this article can be downloaded and forwarded, without permission or limitation, by clicking on  

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